Emergencies can occur at any time and anywhere. Most of the time, people are aware of when to get medical help for an accident. Sometimes dental emergencies or accidents are less obvious, and patients are unsure about whether to contact or visit right away or to wait for the clinic to reopen. If you are dealing with a dental emergency, or if you're experiencing one already, you can contact La Puente Emergency Dentist.
We at La Puente Emergency Dentist will use cutting-edge technology together with a highly skilled and knowledgeable staff to provide you with patient-centered care. Our clinic is committed to providing outstanding care for patients, so you can be sure you are in good hands from the moment you walk in.
Understanding a Dental Emergency
It is necessary in certain situations to reach out to your emergency dentist using the after-hours hotline service. The most crucial one is whether you have a broken or displaced tooth. If you have a dental emergency, you can contact our La Puente Emergency Dentist office right away since we can usually give same-day emergency care to our clients. We will try our best to book you at the facility on the same day if you have never visited our clinic before.
A tooth fracture can result from a variety of distressing incidents, including falling off a bicycle or from a height. Sports-related injuries to the mouth, such as being struck by another player, an object, equipment, or a ball, are the leading cause of dental fractures. In some cases, a tooth could fracture or shatter even after a root canal procedure. This damage can also be caused by other circumstances, so it’s important to contact La Puente Emergency Dentist immediately to determine the necessary steps for fixing it.
With a team of highly skilled professionals, La Puente Emergency Dentist offers quick dental care and a comprehensive range of dental procedures. A dental professional who is compassionate and skilled in handling dental anxiety will treat you, particularly in an emergency. You'll appreciate our soothing setting and the fact that we're ready to assist you during this difficult time.
Infections such as cold sores and dental gingivitis require prompt attention from a dental professional but don't always qualify for emergency treatment. You should consult a dental professional right away if you have an oral infection that's keeping you from sleeping and over-the-counter drugs are not working to reduce the pain. To prevent an emergency, it would be wise to book a scheduled visit to La Puente Dental as soon as symptoms of pain begin.
Other circumstances that could be considered dental emergencies include:
- Loose or broken restorations, such as dental crowns, bridges, or dentures.
- Swollen and painful gums.
- Serious toothache.
- If one of the teeth is knocked out.
- A damaged dental implant.
- shattered or chipped teeth.
If you require fast and reasonably priced emergency dental treatment, you can contact La Puente Emergency Dentist. Don't endure the serious repercussions that can arise from neglecting dental issues. The pain relief methods you use at home may provide temporary solutions. However, for the expert care you require, you can consider visiting La Puente Emergency Dentist.
Ways to Avoid Dental Emergency Situations
Maintaining healthy, robust teeth is the first step in avoiding dental emergencies. Any small problems can be found and treated at La Puente Emergency Dentist before they worsen and become emergencies by visiting your dental professional for cleanings and examinations once every six months.
Keeping your teeth healthy and strong also requires regular brushing and flossing. Wear a mouthguard whenever you engage in sports to prevent impact injuries to your teeth and jaw.
Our Mission and Vision
At La Puente Emergency Dentist, our mission is to assist you in restoring your smile and ensure your well-being is our top priority. We take great delight in serving our patients. Our goal is to increase patient access to our programs while educating them on how to avoid dental problems.
By being aware of what is happening in their oral cavity, our patients can make well-informed decisions. We utilize digital X-rays, large monitors, and cameras to make the learning experience more engaging. Following that, we consult with you to determine the most suitable course of action for your needs.
Our Core Values
Our fundamental values are as follows:
La Puente Emergency Dentist dental professionals and experts place high importance on skill development, education, and knowledge expansion. We are committed to raising our educational standards in the dental care sector because dental treatment methods and technology are always evolving and improving.
Dental healthcare necessitates a high standard of hygiene. When receiving treatment, you should feel at ease and not worry about getting sick of bacterial infections. As a result, we offer a calm environment for both staff members and clients at our medical facility. Furthermore, we want every patient to have a happy and comfortable experience. We accomplish this by utilizing clean and hygienic modern-day tools.
Respect is fundamental to providing dental care, as it is to other service delivery models. Every patient is treated with honor, dignity, honesty, and respect at La Puente Emergency Dentist. We handle every case discreetly and never share your personal information.
Both patients and dental professionals need to be comfortable and at ease in their surroundings. We have made investments in several pieces of equipment, like dental seats, quality furniture, and numerous other items. When you walk into our medical facility, our receptionists greet you and offer you a place to sit in the waiting room. We have a variety of publications, WiFi, and screens to keep you entertained while you wait to speak with a dental professional.
Our dental professionals are not only knowledgeable but also very caring, sympathetic, and understanding. We are aware that some operations will inevitably cause pain. You should feel secure knowing that our dental professionals will carry out essentially painless operations. Due to their extensive knowledge, they are aware of several strategies that help patients feel less pain.
Contact an Emergency Dentist Near Me
If you're looking for high-quality dental healthcare in La Puente, CA, your quest has come to an end. Customized treatment regimens are what we provide patients at La Puente Emergency Dentist to improve their confidence and smiles. Our emergency dentists will devote some time to talk with you about your oral objectives and go over your dental history. Following that, we engage you in the process of deciding on your ideal treatment plan.
If you would like to bring a loved one along for examinations or treatment, La Puente Emergency Dentist provides a calm, family-friendly setting. Call us now at 626-995-1640 to schedule an appointment or consultation.